I cooperate with courts and public prosecutors on a regular basis. My translations for companies and individual clients mostly include agreements, tender documents, EU certificates and declarations of conformity, court decisions. I also translated two books for Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne (Gdańsk Psychological Publishing House): Embracing the Fear by Judith Bemis and Amr Barrada, and Fundamentals of Marital Therapy by D. Russell Crane.
I interpret eagerly. The persons I interpreted for included Mayor of Gdańsk Paweł Adamowicz and Marshal of the Pomeranian Province Mieczysław Struk. My rich experience mainly stems from interpreting during civil weddings, notarial deeds and shareholders’ meetings. For many years I was interpreting at AMBERIF International Fair of Amber. As a founding member of the Baltic Society of Translators I participate in meetings and trainings of translators who have been active in the profession.